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Saturday, 31 December 2011

Flood-prone / free

Flood- Prone / Free                                                 31/12/11
Sibu, Sarawak before the monsoon drains could discharge excess rainwater properly, before the water pumps were installed at various places in Sibu and before the construction of Watergates was flood- prone.  Before 2011, Sibu was one of the worst flood prone areas in Malaysia .  Every Sibu BN political thugs attributed the low-lying situation for the cause of floods.   They also blamed the inclement weather conditions for the excessive rainwater and thus the prevalent flooding conditions. 
This year even Jalan Hua Kiew and Melian Lane which were considered the most low-lying areas with the poorest drainage are spared of floods to date.  Yes, the drainage has been improved and the roads have been layered up too.  In the past, Jalan Hua Kiew and Melian Lane were always included in the counts of floods. 
 Sibu which is still situated in the low-lying areas despite heavy rains and fast flow of water from upstream and the swelling Rejang River is spared of floods this time after 16 -18 years being so flood-prone.  We were harassed by small, medium and large floods many times a year.  Sometimes even many times in a month.  Before 2011, everywhere in Sibu would be flooded at different depth with this amount of rain.  But this year, 2011, with the improvement of the drainage system in the Sibu proper, the layering up of the roads, with the installation of water pumps and the construction of the Watergates, we Sibu people can safely declare Sibu to be flood-free area for many years to come.
Well, when I saw Julau, high-lying area which is at the upper reaches and n kilometers away from Sibu flooded heavily.  I just felt sorry for them and at the same time I hoped floods would waken up these people who always gave full pledge to the BN government, who always engaged in the business of vote buying and selling in the elections.  They deserved the disaster for letting go of their rights for proper drainage and other amenities for some cash.  They ignorantly let their leaders abuse them.
When I saw Macham which is about 40-50 km away from Sibu also flooded heavily.  I condemned the people there too for being so docile and let the BN political thugs to abuse them again and again. 
The water colour that I noticed was all like Teh-tarik (due to soil erosion) and the water was, for sure, from the overflowing Rejang River.   I wonder whether they know whom to blame and curse for the disaster.  I wonder whether they know Taib Mahmud and his cronies are the robbers of our rainforest at the upper reaches.  They contracted out hundreds and thousands of hectares of land for different activities for lots and lots of cash. 
There are a lot of indiscriminate logging activities  legally allowed by these demons.  I believe there is a heavy rain-off of topsoil when the land is stripped bare and when the water catchment areas are limited to prevent the rush of rainwater downstream.  This in turn cause siltation of the river and thus impede the proper flow of water.  As a result, the water burst the banks and flooded the areas in the vicinity.  Thus Julau was heavily flooded, Sarikei was heavily flooded and Macham was not spared, either.
Everybody should look at Sibu for answers now to solve the woes of floods.  When Sibu, a low-lying area is spared of floods, why can’t you?

Thursday, 29 December 2011



第一部曲便是全民一起来抓盗贼:防止Taib Mahmud 和他的朋党胡乱非为出卖咱们雨林自肥而造成合法滥伐。非法滥伐容易处理。政焜为自肥允许的合法滥伐是无法禁止的。即使是蓄水地也不放过。能防止雨林合理被滥伐,就能防止不必要的土蚀。能防止不必要的土蚀,就能防止河流受土蚀浅化。能防止河流浅化,便没有水流受阻碍的问题。没有水流受阻碍的问题,便不会有河水倒灌的事情。河水能够畅畅流,流速超越雨量,那来水患?
      第三部曲便是如何处理过剩的水. 如果让雨水超速流离进河海洋是不行的, 那么咱们应该有小中大的蓄水池,蓄水桶或缸来应接. 蓄水的好处是谈不完的. 蓄水池应该是排水系统必备的措施. 雨水是上天给咱们的免费礼物. 咱们必须懂得善用,把雨水变成财富,何乐而不为? 除此以外,各家各户也买一送一500 1000 litres 的蓄水桶去收集屋顶水. 这些水,大家可放开怀花用来洗刷屋子内外,清洗气车,浇花,冲洗水沟,当鸡鸭食水………
       一场大雨几乎可以收集少5001000 litres 不等的数量.我用两个大约80 100 litres 的水桶剩鸡窖顶上的雨水.每次大雨,便可剩满两桶水.我便用来当鸡鸭食水,洗刷鸡鸭饭桶,尿桶,水沟……
      如果大家都有两大水桶来收集屋顶上的雨水,咱们可以间接帮忙减少缓慢雨水流入水沟和河海洋. 每家各户都收集1000 2000 litres 的水. 那来水患? 可是,如果大家都有两大桶来收集屋顶水来用,我不知道咱门是否会使水务局感到太沉重.
      咱们Sibu2011年之前,常常一雨成灾,一年几次,也有一个月几次水患,经过十多年遭受大中小水患的骚扰, 今年终算没有什么水患.  Sibu 的美莲巷, 这次也没受水 浸之苦.以往,有小中大水患Sibu 的美莲巷,一定有份的.  今年到今天为止, Sibu 市区根本没有水患. 据我所知,只有Teku 路因水沟不流通有涨一些积水.   Macham ,土著区离Sibu n /公里,排水系统像BN执政那么烂,因此水涨得要疏散83受害者. 又是一群一直被收买。因此,一直没发展,连最基本的水沟都没建好。这就是轻易被收买的因果报应,是活该。这也是自贱而被政棍贱踏当踏脚石。只能怪自己吧!
      在民主过度里,不懂民主为何物,无知到任政棍耍弄再耍弄又耍弄。今天要受税浸之苦,是活该。想一想,谁让Taib Mahmud 穿民主外套,扮演皇帝。随心所欲,敛财自肥。财富建在贫困人民上。榨取婪夺百姓。这一切都是受贿赂者所造孽的。好好悔改吧。把希望寄在13届大选:改朝换代。[以民为本,绩效为先]才可能实现和实践。现在BN执政只是喊爽而已。实践[以民为本,绩效为先]是 绝对不可能的。54年下来,都没做到,要等何时? 贪污舞弊滥权已是BN执政的特征。

Wednesday, 28 December 2011


排水系统像BN执政那么烂,年尾雨量多一点,不涨积水和受河流水倒灌才奇怪。咱们Sibu 经过十多年遭受大中小水患:涨积水和受拉让江河水倒灌。诗巫人因此会看水色,知源流。如果水色是Kopi-O, 咱们马上知道是涨积水,如果是 Teh Tarik 色,咱们知道是拉让江河水倒灌。咱门十多年下来,都对BN执政兴吭,厌恶重重。 丛诉求,投诉,控诉到怒轰。因此大家一起排除BN执政,国政政府所以在诗巫连连吃败阵,。。。。520 416
今年2011Sibu水患不及2009 年的5%Sibu治水终于有一点方。现在Kuching好多处都有水患,Sibu,嘻嘻。。。。。。没有什么叫做水患。因为咱们水沟和河流,近期有不少的动作,因此水流相当顺畅,所以没有什么叫做水患。水流千年不变的定理是往下流。水流顺畅速度超越雨量,那来水患?哼。。。。。。。。。
有用心,认真和努力的政府,全砂的排水系统早就建全了。那像现在这样那样。怪来怪去,只能怪那些阿狗和阿猫的民众一次又一次被收买。今天水患是被政棍耍弄后的因果报因。以我看是活该。国政政府又再耍救灾秀。防灾不做,做救灾。真是一群只会用肠胃思考,耳聋眼瞎的政棍。Taib Mahmud 和他的朋党整天忙着航护个人利益和权位。一切经济活动以[自我和朋党为中心]Taib Mahmud 现在不只对民众耳聋眼瞎,还盲目的,很得意地跟小他46岁的小太太谈忘年之爱, 陶醉其中,不能自己。带着小太太到处宣耀自己。他不知道他和他小太太(拜金的女人)相映出很搞笑的搭配。权势地位钱财让他如此败坏。
今天Kuching到处水患,我不知道那些阿狗和阿猫有没有将茅头指向Taib Mahmud 和他的朋党。有做很多反省,也偏偏回顾年年水患的因果。一天这些那些阿狗和阿猫不清醒,年年水患淹狗猫,嘻嘻。。。。。太好玩了。Taib Mahmud 和他的朋党常常高喊土著特权。土著特权,结个果是享受种种祸害:水患,土崩,车祸,土地被霸占,。。。。很多土著连水电都没着落,多少他们运行的道路是够水准?多少已脱离贫困?哼。。。。。太搞笑了。
Sibu 降雨量跟Kuching不分上下,Sibu Kuching比一比,可以说没有什么叫水患。换2011之前,Sibu早就水患得不得了啦。面对如此雨量。今天Sibu 真非夕比。水流在民众怒轰下流通了很多很多了,因此又所以,Sibu今年可以说没什么水患。要治水秘方,来来来咱们Sibu取经,免费的。最后,来分享一下,我当年的一些水患心思:
Sibu常常涨积水,因此我对水患常常垂头吭气。 有一天,我就写了这首打油诗: