Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah barks saying, “Siah has crossed the red line.”
I say, “Well……..if Siah has crossed the red line, Taib Mahmud and his regime have transgressed even more.” I don’t know how many times Abdul Karim has barked saying it is we Sarawakians who entrusted Taib Mahmud the mandate to be the Chief Minister of Sarawak. But what is truer is that Taib Mahmud and his cronies have been by hook or by crook fouling Sarawakians. It is a lot of vote buying. Please prove to us that it is not. Taib Mahmud and his cronies have always tried all means to get the votes from the ignorant, hungry and poor people (Ah Gou and Ah Mao).
I can provide enough evidence through my own witnesses and friends.
Not long ago, James Masing just this bloody political thug showed it openly, not knowing that it is an abuse of power to reward those long houses voting for him and his parties a sum of money.
Recently at Bawang Assam in just concluded the 10 state election, the transactions of voting buying for Wong Soon Koh have taken place.
Vote for me to get RM500
To register with your Identity card to get RM 100 first
If I won, come and claim RM400.
There are a lot more proofs of these vote buying cases by Taib Mahmud and his cronies that have been taking place since time immemorial.
Taib Mahmud is cunningly smart and thus he can wield the power for 30+ years. It is no myth to stay in power for so long if it is not because of his bloody manipulation of the situation. He amassed astronomical wealth at the expense of us Sarawakians. It is rife with rumour that he amassed over US80 billion. Ferdinad Marcos amassed US65 billion in his 20s in reign of the Philippines, Suharto US?? Billion in his 32 years reign of Indonesia; Ben Ali 35billion in pounds; Hosni Mubarak US70billion; Muammar Gaddafi US150;Ting Siu Bian, ex-premier of Taiwan ??billion ………. But Ting Siu Bian has poured out what he swallowed during his 8 years in office. We want Taib Mahmud and his cronies to pour out what they have swallowed one day.
If it had not been done through vote buying to lure Ah Gou and Ah Mao, he would not have won. Besides, the constituencies have been unfairly demarcated in favour of Taib Mahmud and his cronies. How can you say that 45% of the vote for the PR coalition and yet the BN government led by Taib Mahmud and his cronies still can garnered 51 seats out of 71. It is blatantly injustice and unfair in practice.
Mind you we are prepared to fight for our justice for the true god of democracy to death to defend her. What Taib Mahmud and his cronies practise now is the true characteristics of totalitarian, autocracy and nepotism. It is an every act of despotic. Otherwise Taib Mahmud and his cronies will not amass so much wealth at the expense of us Sarawakians. We are plighted with poor amenities: poor road conditions, poor drainage system, poor education, poor medical services,……… Many Sarawakians still do not have the supply of electricity and water supply.
We Sarawakians are prepared to start “Hibiscus Revolt” at any time. Please be prepared to face the change of government and pour out what you have swallowed