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Monday 14 October 2024

Sarawak government & Petronas reached the agreement on Sales tax

Joint Statement by State Government of Sarawak and PETRONAS

2020 Media Release - 7 Dec

The Sarawak State Government and PETRONAS are pleased to announce the conclusion of negotiations, facilitated by the Ministry of Finance, on a commercial settlement after having resolved their differences over the imposition of State Sales Tax on petroleum products as well as oil and gas matters.  

The commercial settlement agreement (Agreement), which was executed on 7 December 2020, witnessed by both the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister of Sarawak, amongst others provides Sarawak with a greater share of revenues from oil and gas found and produced in the State. 

It also provides for a more active involvement by the State in the oil and gas industry through the management of onshore oil and gas resources by PETROS and investment by PETROS in the upstream ventures in offshore areas. 

Both the Sarawak State Government and PETRONAS, continuing its current role as Malaysia’s national oil company, remain committed to working together to create and maintain a stable, conducive business and investment environment for the sustainable growth of the oil and gas industry, both upstream and downstream in Sarawak. 

Towards this objective, the Agreement provides for a consultative framework whereby both Parties will be able to jointly discuss and deliberate on matters of importance to the oil and gas industry including those which affect the interests of the State.

Datuk Jaul Samion
Sarawak State Secretary   

Tengku Muhammad Taufik
President & Group CEO


2020 年媒体发布 - 12 月 7 日


该商业和解协议(协议)于 2020 年 12 月 7 日在砂拉越,在首相和首席部长等人的见证下签署,为砂拉越提供了来自该区发现和生产的石油和天然气的更大份额收入。 

它还规定通过 PETROS 管理陆上石油和天然气资源以及 PETROS 对海上地区上游企业的投资,更积极地参与石油和天然气行业。 



To compromise on the legality of MA63

If Malayans want Sabah and Sarawak to compromise on the legality of MA63, there can be no problem but

1. Give back all our oil and gas resources 
2. Compensate us all our Marine, oil and natural gas wealth that been taken away by the federal government/PETRONAS in all past decades 
3. Give back all revenues taken by the federal government since Malaysia was formed 
4. Remove Art 3, 153 and all provisions that could discriminate Sabah and Sarawak from the federal constitution 
5. Govenors from Sabah and Sarawak can be made king Of Malaysia 
6. Malaya can only hold One-Third seats in parliament and in senate 
7. Remove all officers from Malaya and let citizens of Sabah and Sarawak fill in all posts
8. Full control of immigration by Sabah and Sarawak 
9. Give back all land including territorial waters, continental shelfs and land taken by the federal government back to Sabah and Sarawak 
10. Restore Sarawak Rangers, Border Scouts and Sarawak Constabulary.
11. Agong not to be head of Islam in Sarawak 
12. No official religion in Sabah and Sarawak and this must be clearly mentioned in the constitution 
13. Revenues to the federal government must be under the control of governments of Sabah and Sarawak. Presently, federal government departments are collecting revenues from Sabah and Sarawak and send them to the federal treasury and Sabah and Sarawak will be given annual allocations at end of each year by parliament which normally was always less than RM6 billion for Sabah and for Sarawak normally was less than RM5 billion 
14. Move the capital of Malaysia to East Malaysia.

All of these must be done in one year. After that, no further deal. If Malaya or federal government could not fulfill these, exit from Malaysia is the solution.

Sabah and Sarawak won't die! We won't die even if we don't have oil and gas resources. We have too many brilliant people who know how to manage Sabah and Sarawak.

Sabahans and Sarawakians know how to manage their countries like running a business involving their citizens with bonuses from participation of businesses sponsored by the government or by businesses supervised by government agencies.

At the moment, businesses are controlled by the government and the capitalists especially, by the federal government and capitalists from Malaya. The federal government and these capitalists can become rich and richer while people becomes poor and poorer. They are special slaves to help government treasury and the capitalists to get rich in return for small income.

Long live Sabah and Sarawak! God bless Sabah and Sarawak!  Voon Lee Shan 

Sunday 13 October 2024

Let the respective house of worship conduct religious lessons

Let respective house of worship conduct religious lessons

Yes, in Sarawak, the government has allocated a total of RM385 million to numerous places of worship since the establishment of Unit for Other Religions (Unifor).

I wonder how much the total allocation has been given to the mosques in Sarawak.  Yes, it remains a secret. Otherwise, we can make a comparison of the disparity.

The allocation to the Unifor, of course, is for the upgrading and building the houses of worship for the purpose of providing the optimal comfort to the worshippers.

With the well-establsihed houses of worship of various faiths, why not let these places of worship conduct the religious lessons for students.

To attend or not to attend the respective religious lessons should be made optional. 

I believe all theses houses of worship,  may they be mosques, churches, temples or centres should have the capacity and expertise to conduct the lessons, right?

Sarawak schools should be the place to acquire basic knowledge and skills and prepare students for the job market.

Sarawak schools, of course, should emphasise a lot on language acquisition through intensive and extensive listening and reading for the input and opportunity in speaking and writing in the output.

For fluency, there must be a lot of comprehensible input in listening and reading to prepare students for the output in speaking and writing.

For accuracy in writing, of course, it is advisable to spare some time and put in some deliberate effort to learn grammatical items one by one and holistically.

Intensive and extensive reading is so important to gain knowledge and  learn many core values in life to lead a meaningful, inspiring and happy life.  I always think that reading books of great persons and interesting as well as inspiring stories provides more than what religious lessons can provide.  14/10/24



我想知道砂拉越的清真寺总共拨款是多少。  是的,这仍然是一个秘密。否则,我们可以对差异进行比较。

当然,Unifor 的拨款是用于升级和建造崇拜场所,以便为崇拜者提供最佳的舒适度。








透过精读和泛读可以让学生获取知识和学习生活中许多核心价值观,所以,阅读非常重要。 有了方方面面的知识和认知,肯定更可以让个人从而过上有意义、鼓舞人心和幸福的生活。  我始终认为,阅读伟人的书籍以及有趣且鼓舞人心的故事所提供的东西比宗教课程所能提供的丰富和多更多。

No religious teachers in school!
















Keluar Malaysia 不是犯罪,而是我们固有的权利。

Education Service Commission included 300 Islamic religious candidates from Malaya in the special teacher recruitment drive for Sarawak with the good excuse that Sarawak lacks Islamic religious teachers.

Sarawak need no Islamic religious teachers from Malaya, that's it!

What Sarawak students need most is local teachers who can understand their local languages, cultures and minds.

We need the teachers who can lead students in their studies and inspire them to explore their potentialities for proper development.

Christian students need no Christianity religious teachers.

Buddhist students need no Buddhism religious teachers.

Hindu students need no Hinduism religious teachers.

Baha'i students need no Baha'i religious teachers.

Why Muslim students need Islamic teachers in school????

To me, the best way to learn moral values is through inspiring stories like the biography of great persons and interesting stories teaching moral values.

Reading good and inspiring stories helps in character development, too.

Good books are a source of inspiration; have the model characters to emulate; provide the experiences of others and insights of life.

Reject the 300 religious teachers from Malaya!

Be prepared to exit Malaysia @Malaya for good!

Keluar Malaysia is not crime but our intrinsic right.


马来西亚国家石油公司宣布在砂拉越近海 Jerun 油田首次生产天然气


马来西亚国家石油公司在一份声明中表示,Sapura OMV Upstream(砂拉越)公司以 40% 的股权经营砂拉越海岸附近的区块,其余 60% 的股权由马来西亚国家石油公司和壳牌公司平均持有。据称,Jerun油田日产量可达5.5亿标准立方英尺。

马来西亚石油管理局(管理该国石油资源的管理机构)的马来西亚国家石油公司高级副总裁拿督巴乔皮隆(Datuk Bacho Pilong)表示:“该项目将增加该国的能源组合,为维持马来西亚的长期天然气供应做出重大贡献。”

Petronas announces first gas production at Jerun field offshore Sarawak

KUALA LUMPUR (July 9): Malaysia’s national oil and gas company Petroliam Nasional Bhd, or Petronas, said on Tuesday the Jerun field in Block SK408 had recently achieved its first gas production.

Sapura OMV Upstream (Sarawak) Inc operates the block off the coast of Sarawak with a 40% stake, while the remaining 60% is equally shared by Petronas and Shell, Petronas said in a statement. The Jerun field could produce up to 550 million standard cubic feet per day, it said.

“Adding to the country’s energy portfolio, this project promises significant contributions towards sustaining Malaysia’s long-term gas supply,” said Datuk Bacho Pilong, Petronas’ senior vice-president of Malaysia Petroleum Management, the governing body that manages the country’s petroleum resources

Monday 7 October 2024

UK decision to return Chagos island proves MA63 invalid

UK decision to return Chagos Islands proves MA63 is invalid
(06-10- 2024)

The ICJ found that the 1965 UK agreement with Mauritius was not binding because at the time Mauritius 

The UK decision to return the Chagos Islands is important to vindicate and reinforce our claim that MA63 was invalid. 

The ICJ found that the 1965 UK agreement with Mauritius was not binding because at the time Mauritius was still a colony under British control and was not an independent state with the legal capacity to make international agreements.  

Now that the UK has decided to obey the ICJ, people cannot argue that MA63 is not affected by the Chagos Islands Case.

英國歸還查戈斯群島的決定對於證明和強化我們關於 MA63 無效的主張非常重要。 



Sunday 6 October 2024

List of international law cases on self -determination


For those determined to understand the meaning of UNGAR 1514

Self-determination has been a significant principle in international law, and various cases and legal opinions have addressed it. Here’s a list of notable international law cases and opinions related to self-determination:

1. **The Western Sahara Case (Advisory Opinion, 1975)**:
   - Issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), this opinion addressed the legal status of Western Sahara and affirmed the right of the people of Western Sahara to self-determination.

2. **The Namibia Case (Advisory Opinion, 1971)**:
   - The ICJ recognized the right of the people of Namibia to self-determination and asserted that South Africa’s presence in Namibia was illegal.

3. **The Kosovo Advisory Opinion (2010)**:
   - The ICJ provided an advisory opinion on Kosovo’s declaration of independence, stating that it did not violate international law, though it did not directly address the right to self-determination.

4. **East Timor Case (Portugal v. Australia, 1995)**:
   - The ICJ dealt with the question of East Timor's right to self-determination, emphasizing that all peoples have the right to self-determination.

5. **The Chagos Archipelago Case (Mauritius v. United Kingdom, 2019)**:
   - The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) issued a ruling affirming the rights of the Chagossians, related to their self-determination concerning the British Indian Ocean Territory.

6. **The case of the Aaland Islands (1920)**:
   - This case was decided by the League of Nations, which ruled that the Aaland Islands should remain part of Finland but recognized the population's desire for autonomy, thereby affirming aspects of self-determination.

7. **The Quebec Secession Reference (1998)**:
   - The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that while Quebec has a right to self-determination, this right is conditioned by the principles of federalism and democracy within the context of Canada.

8. **The Case of the Former Yugoslavia (Various Cases in the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, 1990s)**:
   - Various rulings addressed issues of self-determination amidst the conflicts arising from the breakup of Yugoslavia.

9. **The Case of the Somali Region (2014)**:
   - A regional referendum in the Somali region of Ethiopia led to discussions about the right to self-determination for various ethnic groups.

10. **The Scottish Independence Referendum (2014)**:
   - While not a case in the traditional sense, the legal debates surrounding Scotland's referendum on independence raised significant questions about self-determination within the UK’s constitutional framework.

These cases illustrate the complexities surrounding self-determination, its legal interpretations, and its applications in various contexts.